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KSC 2018

KSC 2023 : 대한심장학회 제67차 추계학술대회
10.15 Thu. - 17 Sat. / Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Korea

Program at a Glance

Home > Program > Program at a Glance
  •   Special Lecture Symposium
  • APSC-KSC Joint Session
  • Oct. 15 (Sun.) 12:50-14:20, Grand 4
  • Chairpersons: Junya Ako, Young Hak Kim
12:50 - 13:10

How to Innovate Medical Devices?

[Speaker] Fumiaki Ikeno/Stanford Univ., USA

13:10 - 13:30

Innovations from Korea: Smart CV devices

[Speaker] Hae-Young Lee/Seoul National Univ., Korea

13:30 - 13:50

Challenges and opportunities in Asia

[Speaker] Khung Keong Yeo/National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore

13:50 - 14:10

Landscape of Innovation in Asia

[Speaker] Young Hak Kim/Ulsan Univ., Korea

14:10 - 14:20
