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KSC 2018

KSC 2023 : 대한심장학회 제67차 추계학술대회
10.15 Thu. - 17 Sat. / Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Korea

Program at a Glance

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  •   Oral
  • Hypertension 110-117
  • Oct. 14 (Sat.) 10:15-11:45, Pine
  • Chairperson: Sang Hyun Ihm
  • Panel: Yong Hyun Park, Sung A Bae
10:15 - 10:25
No : 110

Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollutants and the Risk of Hypertension: Insights from the Korean Genome Epidemiologic Survey Project

[Speaker] Seung-Woon Rha
Jinah Cha, BS1, Se Yeon Choi, PhD2, Seung-Woon Rha, MD, PhD1, Byoung Geol Choi, PhD2, Woo Jin Ahn, MD3, Jae Kyeong Byun, PhD2, Sujin Hyun, BS1, Jaeho Kang, MD1, Wonsang Chu, MD1, Soohyung Park, MD1, Jieun Lee, MD1, Dong Oh Kang, MD, PhD1, You-Jung Choi, MD, PhD1, Eun Jin Park, MD, PhD1, Ja Yeon Choi, MD, PhD1, Jin Oh Na, MD, PhD1, Eung Ju Kim, MD, PhD1, Cheol Ung Choi, MD, PhD1, Chang Gyu Park, MD, PhD1, Min Woo Lee, PhD4, Suhng Wook Kim, PhD5
1Cardiovascular Center, Guro Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea; 2Cardiovascular Research Institution, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea; 3Department of Medicine, Tongyeong Detention Center, Korea Correctional Service, Ministry of Justice; 4Research Institute of Health Science, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea; 5School of Health and Environmental Science, College of Health Sciences, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea;

10:25 - 10:35
No : 111

Effects of change in 6-minute walking distance on hospital readmissions and emergency department visits in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension

[Speaker] Yong-Gon Seo
Yong-Gon Seo1,6, SuKi Oh2,6, Mija Jang3,6, Ho-Young Kim2,6, Sung-A Chang4,6, jiwon Woo5,6, Jidong Sung5,6*
1Division of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery 2Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention Center, Heart Vascular Stroke Institute 3Department of Nursing, Rehabilitation & Prevention Center, Cardiac Center, Heart Stroke & Vascular Institute 4Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Imaging Center, Heart Stroke & Vascular Institute 5Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation & Prevention Center, Heart Stroke & Vascular Institute 6Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, 81 Irwon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06351, Korea

10:35 - 10:45
No : 112

Prevalence and characteristics of isolated nocturnal hypertension in treated patients

[Speaker] Moo-Yong Rhee
Moo-Yong RHEE
DongGuk University Ilsan Hospital

10:45 - 10:55
No : 113

Prognostic Significance of Fatty Liver Index for the Development of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Events in Populations with Elevated Blood Pressure

[Speaker] Youngnam Bok
Youngnam Bok1, Soo Yeon An1, Ji-Yeon Kim1, Seon-Ah Jin1, Jun Hyung Kim1, Jae-Hyung Roh2, Jin-Ok Jeong1
1Divison of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital, Chungnam National University College of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea. 2Department of Cardiology in Internal Medicine, Chungnam National University Sejong Hospital, Chungnam National University School of Medicine, Sejong, Korea.

10:55 - 11:05
No : 114


[Speaker] Guliruh RADJABOVA
 Radjabova G.M 1,Abdullaeva G.Zh1, Pulatova M.1, Sherbadalova N.M.1, Zakirova D.V.2,        Ibragimova I.A.1, Shukurova D.Yu.1, Mashkurova Z.T.1 , Abdullaev A.A.2
Republic Cardio Center

11:05 - 11:15
No : 115

Comparative efficacy of combined antihypertensive therapy with the inclusion of nitrendipine and amlodipine on cognitive functions in patients with essential hypertension

[Speaker] Khafiza YUSUPOVA
Khafiza YUSUPOVA , Abdullaeva G.J., Khamidullaeva G.A.
Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Cardiology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

11:15 - 11:25
No : 116

Cardiovascular remodeling in diabetes mellitus

[Speaker] Feruza Saidakbarova
Saidakbarova Feruza Tulkunovna1, Srojidinova Nigora Zaynutdinovna1
¹Department of Cardiometabolic Disorders, Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Cardiology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

11:25 - 11:35
No : 117

A Comparison of Atrial Fibrillation Incidence Among Physicians and the General Population

[Speaker] WEISYUN HU