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KSC 2018

KSC 2023 : 대한심장학회 제67차 추계학술대회
10.15 Thu. - 17 Sat. / Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Korea

Program at a Glance

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  • Symposium
  • Scientific Session [Amgen]
  • LDL-C Reduction with PCSK9 Inhibition in ACS: Start Early and Stay Low!
  • Oct. 14 (Sat.) 12:00-12:40, Walker 1
  • Chairpersons: Seung-Ho Hur, Jang Ho Bae
  • Panel: Seung-Jun Lee, Ho Sung Jeon
12:00 - 12:15

LDL-C Lowering With Evolocumab - How Early Is Effective?

[Speaker] Jiung Yu/Dankook Univ., Korea

12:15 - 12:30

LDL-C Lowering With Evolocumab - How Low Is Safe?

[Speaker] Jang Hoon Lee/Kyungpook National Univ., Korea

12:30 - 12:40
